TurtleSkin Safety Gloves provide the highest level of puncture, stab, and needle protection in a lightweight, flexible fabric engineered for safety and performance. Our glove lineup offers protection from hypodermic needles, nails, wire, glass fragments, metal shards, wood splinters and cuts.
TurtleSkin Law Enforcement Gloves offer unsurpassed needle, knife, and razor protection for police, security guards, and corrections officers. The TurtleSkin Duty Glove delivers excellent protection from HIV, hepatitis C, and other bloodborne diseases transmitted from needlesticks.
TurtleSkin WaterArmor is the ultimate UHP personal protective equipment, offering lightweight water blasting protection up to 40,000 psi (2800 bar) without sacrificing operator flexibility. The adjustable, modular panel design allows for single-piece replacement of chaps, gaiters, torso, and arm panels.
From ballistics, law enforcement, hunting, and high-pressure water protection to stab, cut, and needlestick prevention, lightweight TurtleSkin products offer personal protection without sacrificing your dexterity and comfort. We hold the patent for the tightest weave ever achieved using aramid materials, resulting in superior protection from cuts and hypodermic needles.
“My wife Jeanne is terrified of snakes. Live, dead, caged, pictures, doesn't matter. Thanks to a pair of your snake gaiters, we can do what we love, hiking, with added confidence. Hopefully they will never be put to a real test.”
— Allen Moscowitz, Pennsylvania
“I use your full-length chaps in camo in dove, quail, turkey and deer season. [They] are superlight, super tough, worn mine three seasons now. We have Mesquite, Cat Claw, Prickly Pear and every other kind of thorn and sticker known to man, not to mention the rattlesnakes and Copperheads. [I[ felt very comfortable in these super light, super tough TurtleSkin SnakeArmor….Thanks for making a great product, makes me feel very comfortable in the field.”
— Augden W. Short, Jr., Texas
“It was 60 degrees yesterday morning, and the snake didn’t budge in the cool weather, but I sure felt a hell of a lot safer wearing my gaiters. These gaiters are very comfortable. You barely know they’re on. Easy to zip up. I hope I never have to really put them to the test.”
— Matt Russell, Arizona
Include some of your favorite customer quotes and feedback here as social proof, to build credibility and trust for your services and products.
— John Doe